Akaroa Health Centre houses a general practice and offers an array of general practice and visiting practitioner services

Home to eight residents who benefit from 24 hour care.

Home to eight residents who benefit from 24 hour care.
2 Aylmers Valley Road, Akaroa 7520
Tel: 03–304 7004

History of Te Hauora o Rākaihautū Akaroa Health
The Akaroa Health Centre is designed to keep our people connected and healthy in our community for longer and replace the former Akaroa Hospital which was destroyed after the 2010/11 earthquakes.
In 2015 the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) agreed to fund the build of a new General Practice building with four in-patient ‘flexi’ beds. CDHB do not however provide facilities for aged residential care.
In October 2016, after exploring many options with the community who remained committed to ensuring the retention of aged care facilities, the Akaroa Structure Group and CDHB signed an agreement to develop an Integrated Family Health Centre on the old Akaroa Hospital site. The Centre was to comprise a General Practice, 4 flexi-beds and 8 residential care beds. CDHB would build the facility with an agreed community contribution of $2.5 million for the incorporation of aged residential care. It was agreed the community would use its best endeavours to raise the funds within four years of the date construction commenced.
Akaroa Health Limited
Today, Akaroa Health Ltd (AHL) is an integrated health service delivering primary care, inpatient care, emergency care, community care and aged residential care for the Akaroa and Bays community. Services are provided in and out of a purpose-built Integrated Family Health Centre which opened in August 2019.
AHL is wholly owned by Akaroa Community Health Trust with a committed Board of Directors, Clinical Governance Group and Risk Audit and Compliance Management Group. It is entrusted to reduce health inequities within the health system.
Directors of Akaroa Health Limited are:
Peter Young (Chair)
Kate Reid
Mark Newsome
Lee Robinson
Nick Walls
Howard Wilson
Gendy Davis
Ali Copeland
Akaroa Community Health Trust
Akaroa Community Health Trust (ACHT) is the sole shareholder (on behalf of the community) of Akaroa Health Limited which operates the new Akaroa Health Centre. ACHT has a committed Board of Trustees, and two sub-committees;
- Fundraising Committee responsible for raising the $2.5 million CDHB contribution and an additional $0.5 million to fund establishment costs of the new service; and,
- Community Health Advisory Group responsible for getting advice from community representatives on what is needed in our community in the way of health and wellbeing services.
Trustees were selected to represent the community’s health interests. Two Trustees are also Directors of Akaroa Health Limited to ensure community shareholder interests are well represented:
Kate Reid (Chair)
Peter Young
Wendy Dallas Katoa
Mike Norris
Anabel Jenkins
Liz Chesterman
Asif Hussein - Community Board Member